
The mind is in a cage of thoughts.

The soul is in the prison of the body.

The entire being is in the cage of the system.

The initial prison for a person is their own mind and the thoughts within it, which hold them captive.

Then comes the soul, which manifests in this world through the body-a body that is merely a garment and, in some ways, a prison for the soul.

Finally, there is the entire being, trapped by the system, keeping the person far from the true inner self and external reality.

Bound by unseen threads, we walk a path not entirely our own, believing in the illusion of choice while the currents of existence pull us ever deeper into their design. The world whispers of freedom, yet its echoes fade beneath the weight of silent chains, woven so seamlessly into the fabric of life that they are mistaken for the air we breathe.

From the moment the first light touches our eyes, veils are drawn subtle, persistent, growing heavier with time. We are guided through corridors of learning and labor, shown reflections of truth yet never the source itself. Shadows flicker on the walls, casting forms we mistake for reality, while the essence of what is what has always been rests not outside, but within.

The great illusion is not the cage itself, but the belief that it does not exist. And yet, beyond the layers of control, beyond the silent scripts etched into our minds, there remains something untamed, something vast. A power forgotten, yet never lost.